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Have Got En Ingles

Have Got En Ingles

Estas son 10 oraciones con HAVE en positivo1.I have been trying tofigure this out.2. Teachers have to bevery patient.3. I have to workeveryday.4. I have to do myhomework.5. You have to stopsmoking.6.

  1. Verbo Get En Ingles
  2. Cuando Usamos Have Got En Ingles

En el primero, hay que seleccionar la palabra correcta y, en el segundo, ordenar palabras y formar frases con have got. En este otro, se puede practicar el verbo Have got de muchas maneras. En este otro juego se mezclan el Basket y el verbo Have got. Publicado por Unknown en 7:31. 10 oraciones con have y has en negativo y positivo Have - Positivo y negativo I have a car - I don't have a car You a have a big house - You don't have a big house We have a dog - We don't have a dog I have a lot of work - I don't have work You have a friend - You don't have a friend I have a computer - I don't have a computer. You have got to take account of the fact that a site whose leasehold value is several millions of francs, perhaps even a milliard, is being leased for 1,000. francs only.

Postmen have todeliver letters.7. Doctors have to treatpeople.8. Sportwomen haveto train very hard9. I have to go home.10.

They have to cook the dinner.Estas son 10 oraciones con HAVE en negativo1. I haven't visited mygrandmother yet.2. I haven't got anybrother.3. I haven't got a pet.4. We haven't got acomputer5. I have not gonethere6. They haven't got any idea.7.

We haven't traveled together8. You haven't told me the truth9. I haven't got married10. You haven't watched the movie yetEstas son 10 oraciones con HAS en positivo1.

My girlfriend has anHP laptop.2. She has to clean thehouse.3. He has beenthoughtful all day.4. It has been awonderful support5.

He has been livingwith her for years.6. She has been tryingto get there for so long7. Each word has a firstand last letter.8. College has given mesomething greater than education.9. My atheist neighborhas helped more people in the past year.10.

Have Got En InglesGet

A friend of mine has given me a ticket for afew concerts.Estas son 10 oraciones con HAS en negativo1. She hasn't got amanzana2. He hasn't got senseof humor3. He hasn't got anyfriend4. She hasn't gotFacebook5. She hasn't got achair in her Kitchen6. It hasn't changed at all7.

He hasn’t joined us8. My brother hasn't a redcar.9. My sister hasn't a doctordegree.10. It hasn't any sense.

Estas son 10 oraciones con HAVE en positivo1.I have been trying tofigure this out.2. Teachers have to bevery patient.3. I have to workeveryday.4.

I have to do myhomework.5. You have to stopsmoking.6. Postmen have todeliver letters.7. Doctors have to treatpeople.8. Sportwomen haveto train very hard9.

I have to go home.10. They have to cook the dinner.Estas son 10 oraciones con HAVE en negativo1. I haven't visited mygrandmother yet.2. I haven't got anybrother.3. I haven't got a pet.4. We haven't got acomputer5. I have not gonethere6.

They haven't got any idea.7. We haven't traveled together8. You haven't told me the truth9. I haven't got married10.

You haven't watched the movie yetEstas son 10 oraciones con HAS en positivo1. My girlfriend has anHP laptop.2. She has to clean thehouse.3.

He has beenthoughtful all day.4. It has been awonderful support5.

He has been livingwith her for years.6. She has been tryingto get there for so long7. Each word has a firstand last letter.8. College has given mesomething greater than education.9. My atheist neighborhas helped more people in the past year.10. A friend of mine has given me a ticket for afew concerts.Estas son 10 oraciones con HAS en negativo1. She hasn't got amanzana2.

He hasn't got senseof humor3. He hasn't got anyfriend4. She hasn't gotFacebook5. She hasn't got achair in her Kitchen6. It hasn't changed at all7. He hasn’t joined us8.

Verbo Get En Ingles

Ejercicios de have got en ingles para imprimir

Cuando Usamos Have Got En Ingles

My brother hasn't a redcar.9. My sister hasn't a doctordegree.10. It hasn't any sense.

Have Got En Ingles