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Skyrim Invisible Shield Mod

Skyrim Invisible Shield Mod
  1. Skyrim Invisible Shield Mod Mods

I've created a mod that allows you dual wield shields but i came across a slight issue. Shields the right hand shield doesn't show, you can use it but its invisible,. Every.esp has a list of master files that are required for it to run. Most of them only require the Skyrim.esm Master File. However, if one were to require Dawnguard, for instance, then it would require both Skyrim.esm and Dawnguard.esm. When you make a mod with the Creation Kit, they are the format that it saves your changes in. Invisible Shield. Download: Manual. Equip; Location.

Beginner- Invisible Chests and Merchant ChestsThere are several hidden chests throughout the map that allow you take any and allItems desired and is not considered stealing. In this manner, you can begin with a higherLevel weapon of your choosing, some gold, and other things you'll need/use throughout theGame before even beginning any of the quests. Keep the items you want and sell the rest forMore gold.

A map will be very useful in finding the locations of these chests. Dushnik Yhal,Orc Camp has an invisible chest in the blacksmith's hut. When you get to the hut, just lookDown and scan the ground slowly. You may have to crouch in order for the chest to register.If you're still very low on level, you may not be able to get to that one yet. Dawnstar hasAn invisible chest by the mine.

Skyrim Invisible Shield Mod Mods

It is located by the rock wall on the ground behind twoRocks. Just crouch and scan the areae behind the two rocks and you should find it. WindhelmHas three chests located underneath the city.

You must have a companion to this and isConsidered stealing. There are videos that will show you how to get underneath the city andGet to the three chests. In Whiterun, the chest the merchant chest from the Skyforge.

UseThe barrel trick to get around the city and under the Skyforge. This is a really goodStarter chest because it has a little bit of everything and you can sell everything youDon't want and is not considered stealing. Solitude also has a hidden merchant chest. It'sLocated right outside the gates where the Khajit Caravan would camp. You have to crouch downAnd look slightly above and to the left of the blue stick on the ground. Inside the gates toThe Blue Palace, there is a merchant chest that belongs to the Court Wizard. Upon entering,Make a left and go up the stairs one flight and face the wall.

Use the 'walking throughWall' glitch to get behind the wall. Once you succeed in going through, you'll be falling soTiming is essential because you'll have to open the chest as you're falling.


It will take aFew tries but the chest is worth it. The chest has many Spell Books which is crucialThroughout the game, specially if you're character uses magic. At the Ragged Flaggon inRiften, there are 5 or 6 chests that are underwater. You have to use the 'walking throughWall' glitch in order to get to them.


The chests are pretty specific, as in, one has mainlyIngredients, another mainly weapons and armor,potions etc. There is a seventh chest that isLocated to the left of the door inside the Alchemy Shop. In Markarth, there is a chest thatIs really easy to get to. It is a Khajit Caravan merchant chest so if they're there, waitUntil they move to their location. The chest is outside by the second bridge and isUnderground behind the wall. You can crouch down to make it easier to scan the ground. ScanThe ground slowly so you don't miss it.

There are several chests in the College ofWinterhold in the Hall of Countenance and the Hall of Atonement. You'll have to use the'walking through wall' glitch and you have to have some skill because the chests areUnderneath your feet and so when you go for them, you'll be falling so timing is crucial.There are some gold, scrolls, potions, soul gems, skill books and various other things. TheFirst location you come across is Riverwood. In the main shop, you'll have to go upstairsAnd use the 'walking through wall' trick to go behind the wall. You'll be able to see theChest underneath and you can walk to the right spot and jump on it or fall by and open it.Most of these chests will require some skill and several tries to get to them.

There areOther 'invisible' chests in the game but these are some of the ones I've done. Some may notWork depending on your game (patched or unpatched).

Skyrim Invisible Shield Mod