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Fallout 4 Better Raiders

Fallout 4 Better Raiders

Dec 21, 2016  Raider Overhaul This is a Work In Progress mod that tries to add more style and diversity to the raiders of the Commonwealth. I mean, your going to be fighting them ALL THE TIME. Raiders seem to follow an unspoken chain of command, though not as structured as the Gunners. In Fallout 4, raiders can be heard conversing with each other, sometimes telling stories or joking with each other. The members also seem to have close bonds with one another as they often get enraged when some of their comrades are killed. Raiders are low-powered, firearms-wielding Enemies in Fallout 4. Raiders carry Pipe Weapons and are encountered in groups throughout the Commonwealth.Some Raider groups can also be found alongside.

Through quest progression and exploring, I've run across unique, named raiders. For example, was encountered in Concord as part of the main/Minutemen quest. I've also run across a couple others, such as, and his terminal makes reference to another named raider and some info on other locations occupied by raiders. Is there a list of unique, named raiders and their location?.

Fallout 4 Better Raiders

Are these named raiders special in any way? Do they offer guaranteed/better loot than other equally-leveled raiders, or any bonus for taking them all out? Are they just named so we know who the 'leader' of the respective location is?

Fallout 4 Better Raiders Release

Or, are they just there for some additional info and backstory to raider relations in The Commonwealth? @Robotnik Yes, I guess the question could've been framed as named enemies of any type, but the raiders seemed the most intriguing to me because of Tower Tom's terminal entries about his relationship with other raider parties, notably Red Tourette's. I haven't run into any named Super Mutants or Gunners yet, but I do recall running into a group of named feral ghouls a few places around the Commonwealth. There were about 5 or 6 of them, I remember a Mr.

Fallout 4 better raiders game

Parker among them.–Dec 3 '15 at 15:02.The wiki you have linked to contains the most complete (English-language) list of unique named FO4 raiders online thus far.The and the both show a list of notable named raiders. Clicking on each raider's name brings you to a page showing the location of said raider. A few more named FO4 raiders appear on the Gamepedia Wiki's.The rest of the raider group doesn't appear to disperse or aggro when the leader is killed. The named raiders do seem to be a bit stronger than your standard raider, often taking a number of headshots or an otherwise extended firefight/brawl to kill. In addition to being sometimes involved with quests, they also occasionally have keys, passwords, or rare weapons and armor on their person. It's usually worth it to take them down if you have the patience.As to their importance, one might also ask a different question; why don't most of the other raiders have names?

The regular raiders differ little in appearance, equipment, and tactics. Giving them all names might dissuade gamers of any skill level from even attacking the raiders, perhaps judging them all to be important somehow. Meanwhile, players encountering difficulty with a certain section of the game may be able to use the named raider as a descriptive landmark. If all raiders had names, the leader's name would get lost in the crowd. As it is, the leader stands out from the crowd and this lets the player infer that this raider is not to be taken lightly.

Fallout 4 Better Raiders